Wow best profession to make gold 5.2

Author: Leopold Date of post: 17.06.2017

Scams to aviod - previous toplist. Did you think that just the CEOs earned fat pay packs and were the only top earners? Well, you are in for a surprise. This is a list of top paying jobs in the world. Rated points - posted 7 years ago by kris in category Business. Visit our Business forum. Neurosurgeons are the best paid people in the world.

Added 1 year ago by guest, 16 points. At my childhood days, i always wanted to be a lawyer. Added 2 years ago by guest, 7 points. Neurosurgery can involve very stressful work, because a very small mistake can cripple or even kill a patient. Neurosurgeons usually train for many years following medical school, so they invest a lot of time in the profession.

Added 2 years ago by guest, -2 points. Neurosurgeons, big up and work hard. The sky is the limit baby! Added 2 years ago by guest, 0 points. Sports and Entertainment are the highest paying jobs. They get you millions of dollars a year easily. Added 3 years ago by guest, -2 points. Added 3 years ago by guest, 26 points.

Added 3 years ago by guest, points. Neurosurgeons are not worth the money, because there is not exactly a shortage of human beings on the planet. The reality is, life is cheap in most of the world. Therefore fixing faulty brains is a worthless exercise, they are often badly damaged afterwards anyway. Looks like an epic job the salary is good I always wanted to be some sought of doctor. Added 3 years ago by guest, 0 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 9 points.

My uncle is a top neurosurgeon in Amercia, gets paid in excess of two million dollars pa. Added 4 years ago by guest, 42 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, -3 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 0 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, -2 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, -4 points. I do this for a living i go to work everyday scared that i might kill someone very stressful but good because i can support my family well. Added 4 years ago by guest, 2 points.

Added 4 years ago by guest, 36 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 13 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, points. I want to be a plastic surgeon plastic surgeons make alot of money and the job is not as stressful they work with famous people they have lots of types of surgeon a plastic surgeons have lots of money. Added 4 years ago by guest, -1 points. I want to be a Marine Biologist, Zoologist, Fashion Designer, or a Photographer. I am so gonna do this job,no matter what it takes from me,surgery is my life,i've dreamt of this since i was a kid.

I believe this job might be the top paid,but really do u people want to be a neutrosurgeons. This job requires concentration,a lot of study and if you do one thing wrong you might mess up the brain!!! Added 4 years ago by guest, 31 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 3 points. There are other more stressfull occupations that are less well paid. Neurosurgeons bury their mistakes, while others have to fix their mistakes!!

I will tell u all something the highest paid job is actually being a proffesor at a big fancy place like Oxford university! Added 5 years ago by guest, points. I like this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But its too hard!!

Added 5 years ago by guest, 7 points. I was interested in this job for a while, but then i started to relize that when all of the schooling is all over i would be to old to start a family and when becoming a Neurosurgen people don't relize you have to tell families that their loved one is going to die Added 5 years ago by guest, 5 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, -6 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, -2 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, -9 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, -8 points.

I believe that their are many better paying jobs, orchestra conductors can get millions, and singers, and dancers. However, still a well paid job but too much stress. Added 5 years ago by guest, 1 point. Added 5 years ago by guest, 19 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, 2 points.

Albeit the stress, what is the aim of studying anyway? Added 5 years ago by guest, -5 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, 0 points. It pays a lot but when you look how much you pay for insurance it equals out and isn't nearly as much.

This is definitely my future profession! I am 14 and i've been wanting to do this since i was 11! Looks fun, awesome and interesting! Things my future career look like! Added 5 years ago by guest, 15 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, 13 points.

Added 5 years ago by guest, 28 points. I make about twice as much and I haven't been to school as much I didn't know that this was the highest paying job Added 5 years ago by guest, 6 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, -4 points. That's how high stress this job is. Not for the faint of heart and definitely not for just anyone. Only the best of the est actually become decent neurosurgeons.

Added 5 years ago by guest, 12 points. I dont believe this. It depends much on the person on how he or she handles his or her profession, and there's a lot of other factors to consider. Added 5 years ago by Jose Glenn, 3 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, -1 points. This is probably one of the highest stressed jobs, and most difficult. Its not like you open their back and get paid millions.

You have to do it all correctly or they die, you get sued, or you accidentaly kill them some how and then are deeply depressed. This is not just a job you do it is a very important job.

You must be very educated for this job. Even though i am not one my uncle is and he is indeed rich, but like i said it is a high stress job so they deserve it and all the hours they put in. Added 5 years ago by guest, 11 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, 4 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, 3 points. Added 5 years ago by guest, 16 points. My dad is one and we live in a non-tax are with 2-floor villa and two cars. Added 6 years ago by guest, points.

Actually a nuerosurgeon involves head and spine Added 6 years ago by guest, -1 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, -8 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, -5 points. Added 3 months ago by guest, 1 point. Added 8 months ago by guest, 0 points. Added 11 months ago by guest, -2 points. Added 1 year ago by guest, 12 points. Added 1 year ago by guest, 6 points.

Added 1 year ago by guest, 10 points. Added 1 year ago by guest, 0 points. Added 1 year ago by guest, 4 points. Added 1 year ago by guest, 5 points. Added 2 years ago by guest, 4 points. Added 2 years ago by guest, -4 points.

I looove engineering, big up all of you guys wanting t be engineers setting high standarda will get you far in life and remember to work hard. Added 2 years ago by guest, points. I am a charted engineer in London, it really depends where you are in a company.

I oversee all the other engineers and am I project manager, this is where you can expect to be when working in a top engineering firm such a B. Added 3 years ago by guest, 18 points. Weren't computers meant to replace the need for paper in the office? My work is made a pain in the ass by poor IT and poorly made software!

So since computer engineering is 2nd while electrical engineering is 17th Added 4 years ago by guest, -8 points. Yeah software engineering is the most payable job in the world: Well,it depends on the company's market value,their annual revenue.

Most of the computer engineers were kicked out during RECESSION nd it is not a stable profession were ur salary remains high. Added 4 years ago by guest, 44 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 23 points. Hi thing this should be the best payed job because we are involving in technology everyday and we need technology to survive. Added 4 years ago by guest, 4 points. How much does it pay, Because I always wanted to be a computer engineer,and I am so glad that it is the second much paying job. Added 4 years ago by guest, 14 points.

Added 5 years ago by guest, 90 points. What is the average amount that software engineers earn PA?? Added 5 years ago by guest, 30 points. It should be software developers in this spot before engineers, I'm on a 6 figure wage before bonuses and hey I'm one and making very little Added 5 years ago by guest, 17 points.

Added 5 years ago by colonn9, 1 point. Marvellous, this is the most interested job and the most cool job in the whole world in m view. And furthermore this job will of course give us a picture of an easy Air-conditioned task, but in reality this job demand a high intelligence and responsibility.

But still I can't believe that this one has been ranked No. Not only Networking Engineer, thats one of the most common ones for low classed engineers. Added 5 years ago by guest, -7 points. I think this is the most difficult job in the world because actually related with A. Perhaps some research is in order Its not even close to the any most payed.

No i don't think that computer enginerr is earning top2 earnings in the world. Pay for computer engineers depends a LOT on where you work. Added 6 years ago by guest, -6 points. Running big corporations is definitely not an easy job.

For all the Herculean effort they put in to keep the company profits coming in, the CEOs do deserve the pay pack they get to take home. I can be a ceo because I'm the best in the world. Added 1 year ago by guest, -1 points. Added 2 years ago by guest, 8 points. Added 3 years ago by guest, 2 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 1 point. For example airline's CEO gets 10 times more than a pilots. Added 5 years ago by guest, 14 points. How can these people not be present in the top five places!!

With crimes, divorce rates, corporate frauds all pointing northwards, they are in demand in every sector. Added 11 months ago by guest, -3 points. This is the occupation dudes ,I love love like like like this!

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I'm so in love with this occupation Added 3 years ago by guest, 1 point. I am a criminal laywer and I get 40, before tax, that is nothing like CoEs! Added 3 years ago by guest, -1 points. Added 3 years ago by guest, 5 points. If the Lawyer is very Brilliant they will get asked fee. Added 4 years ago by guest, 5 points. You are driving along a road and you see 25 lawyers standing in a trench with concrete up to their necks. What does this mean? Someone ran out of concrete. Added 4 years ago by guest, -5 points.

Added 4 years ago by guest, -6 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, 7 points. I'm so gonna become a lawyer Added 4 years ago by guest, 10 points. I graduated from Law School 3 years ago. Worked in Criminal, and Civil Litigation. Now I write songs for pop stars. It is NOT for everyone. Also, the hours you spend working are insane. Added 5 years ago by guest, 8 points.

Better be an awarding job for paying and going 8 years of college. Added 6 years ago by guest, 0 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, 1 point. I CAN SAY THAT THE LAWYER IS THE BEST JOB BECAUSE IM A LAWYER! That is what has made them a little cheeper. In Oregon there are so many lawyers that they have brought the average price down. Added 6 years ago by garilasprouts, -3 points. Being a pilot sounds really fun, but there are still the dangers. I'm still thinking about being one though.

Added 2 years ago by guest, 9 points. Added 2 years ago by guest, 6 points. Added 2 years ago by guest, 3 points. AIRLINE PILOTS DO HAVE THE BEST JOB ON THE PLANET!!!! Added 3 years ago by guest, 8 points. An airline pilot is my dream job. I wanted to be an airline pilot from a very young age 6 or 7. I am 13 and joining the RAF cadets to help me become and get this truly amazing job!!

Added 4 years ago by guest, 12 points. This rand euro exchange rate converter a cool job, I like it. But some of these comments make no sense at ALL, they are retarted and should be removed! Oh, and, LEARN TO SPELL! My dads been flying planes for nearly 30 years now so he is quite high up and is a captain for a decent company.

He spent a great deal of money on learning to fly and the courses involved, so he was broke after. It took usd yen forex chart many many years to become comfortable again. Yes when you look at how much he's earning its a bloody lot! But he only gets about just over half of it because of the flipping tax. My dad is a very clever man, being a pilot especially captain comes with a lot of pressure and stress every day of your life.

For the forex brokers that accept debit cards of effort concentration and improvisation which is needed to put in to flying, he definitely does not get paid the amount he deserves. Call binary trade websites ungrateful but it's true, especially when footballers earn my dads yearly salary in a week.

Now how is this fair?

Although I have to say my dad loves his job and he says after all these years he still gets the thrill of taking off and landing, bless him. I am very proud of you dad, well done, you deserve so much more x. Flying a tons machine with people at the back I had a look on the British Airways site and it said that some of the best captains earn around GBP a year.

Also I have wanted to be a pilot since I was two and a half years old! All the money is being earned as a Capt. This does not belong here. I want to be one. Added 5 years ago by guest, -3 points. Are u kidding me?? A pilot gets to fly, get his bills paid on time, his health is bein watched after, u get to do ntn with ur salary but shop nd hav fun!!

This job is irreplacable in the entire universe. I would never be one. I want to be one sooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also emirates as i average company computrade moving stock system know give you accommodation allowance so i know live in Dubai with my wife and occasionally get the Manchester flight to see my family.

Great job wouldn't swap it for anything!!!!!! Respect to all airline pilots. It's not easy knowing so many lives depend on you. I've been thinking about this one or being a pilot in general, military or binary options price action strategy for some time now. However, I've heard some bad things sleepless nights on the job, not enough pay, union affiliation problems that have turned me off commercial airlines a bit.

Added 5 years ago by guest, 10 points. A great job if you're single but if you have a family, being a pilot can be very stressful and you miss many special events with your family. The fact of thinking that you must be on the top of your efficiency and vigilance each flight and possess an excellent analytical mind to analyse carefully every data provided by the airplane computers, dealing calmly with critical situations bad meteorology, airplane failures You get to fly the most amazing invention of mankind,, imaging flying these babies My name is Chris Rodchrick, I am former capitIan for AIR Canada.

I have flew for over 10,hrs and I retired. On my first year I made around 90K and on my last year, K. Added 6 years ago by guest, 20 points. It costs about k to train! Experienced pilots make more but that is many years down the line when you reach the rank of captain. Wow best profession to make gold 5.2 best paid pilots fly for cathay pacific and virgin atlantic. You really got this VERY wrong.

Airline pilots are NOT that well paid, unless from singapour airlines or emirates which make ther difference through benefits. Added 6 years ago by guest, -4 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, 4 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, 5 points. Added 6 months ago by guest, 2 points. Added 3 years ago by guest, -4 points.

I really wanna be a CA and still deciding on which subjects to take in order to be a CA. Being an accountant is my dream job I love doing math. Added 4 years ago by guest, 15 points. Accounting would be boring. The name of this profession alone gives you much respect in society and anybody can study to become an Accountant irrespective of your age.

And if you are good in Maths and memorizing numbers, figures, and if you love calculations, then you can do it. I'm personally trying to become Accountant because God will not judge me for having killed any human being at hospital through operation. Accountants would be an amazing field to go in!! Can not wait to get into it and get my feet wet. Added 4 months ago by guest, 0 points. I need to look into this I think I ought to look into this.

Do me a favour, go down the bookies and put a months wages on a favourite horse, that's stressful! Hang on, isn't that what they do anyway? They get how to turn paper into money trick revealed alot. I would want to be one because I love to speak foreign languages, i am pretty darn good at math, and I also love suits and computers. I really want to be this job.

Not only because they make good money, because they get to travel so I would get to speak other languages, and they get to do math which i am pretty good at and wear suits! Added 6 years ago by guest, -3 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, 3 points. I don't get how these guys earn more than surgeons gumtree birmingham work from home actually stock trading with rbc something constructive for the world and not kick a ball around all day Added 3 years ago by guest, -6 points.

Now,Cristiano Ronaldo Plays for Real Madrid Earns 17 Milion Euros a year. Wow I wish I could be a football player like him I always wanted to be one but I'm a girl can girls futures clearing broker definition it and I play football 4 times a week I love football I am very skilled and when I'm older I want to play with the boys but I can't!

Added 3 years ago by guest, -5 points. Added 4 years ago by guest, -7 points. Lol but Cristiano Ronaldo best buy sell stock signals the most expansive player right now. Soccer Players get the hot chicks, get to play the sport they love and if they are winning are adored by their fans.

Beats sitting infront of a computer all day or worrying about stock options and money. Thus this job should be at the number 1 spot. Bill Gates is obviously Not the richest guy Bill Gates is obviously the richest guy That is WAY too much for a sports player. Its no wonder that those who aren't serious about getting a real education are fine with getting crappy liberal arts degrees or skipping college altogether. They've got plenty of entitlement programs to keep them above water while they find a job that takes minimal brain power while paying out maximum salary.

If he eventually gets hurt in a way that he wont have legs, then his cash is gone!!!! But hey, got to hand the trophy to investment bankers and hedge-fund managers. Added 6 years ago by Uvash, -4 points. Added 6 years ago by Uvash, 0 points. People, please get some facts right before commenting, rather than making foolish comments.

Go to Forbes webpage and look for the billionaires link. Shoud give you the world's top 10 richest men. And no, Tevez is nowhere close. Added 6 years ago by Uvash, -3 points. Even great architects can struggle their whole career to make money enough to finish paying off their student loans.

Go into Construction management, they are the ones making all the money in construction. This list is wrong on a lot of these careers.

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It's a minority or lucky architects that make good money. But even a dude sitting at home making YouTube videos of his daily events makes more money than architects. Added 2 years ago by guest, 1 point. I am 15 and I really wan to become and Architect. But I want to be a residential architect like the ones who build houses. I think they earn money with adobe photoshop 73, the last time I checked.

I'm pretty sure it's more. Added 2 years ago by guest, -1 points. If Architect follow ExellenceSucess will Automatically Chase them. Hope thier Skills in Interest. It all depends zaharuddin hukum forex how well you know your stuff and can translate it to your clients!

You are badly informed. This is simply not true, make searches for jobs in architecture problems won't be listed! So stop saying lies of this beautiful profession. Of course some make money but come more from nepotism, redtape and corruption than any true artistry or technical abilities. If you love your son don't recommend this to him whilst society learns to appreciate our work.

He can find difficult even to recover the investment to pay the careerl. Added 4 years ago by guest, 6 points. HEY my sister is an architect too but she cant find a job someone help it has to be in AZ.

For an example, buildings towers, houses,etc. My father is a architect and he has a very good salary, he has designed many buildings. You need to be a strong character to work in this occupation: To those architects who aren't making any money aren't brave. I'm an architect myself to be successful and earn the money you have to spend it first.

Be creative, don't be scared of criticism and take it on the chin. From my experience and what I've learnt, you have to take risks by designing your own stuff. I've failed how many times, but by learning from them I have my own trademark and earning plenty of money.

Just don't be scared of losing. And hey maybe one day you might be even designing my house: If you have a look at the top architects the business is in debt Norman Foster is a good one. There is no money in this profession, only problems. He is definitely the best professional. YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS FROM? I'M AN ARCHITECT AND I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HAVING MY OWN HOUSE!

Don't know where you got this from, but this is a very very wrong assumption. The best paid jobs are mainly in the medical sector, an architect comes nowhere near it!

The most money they can get is 11 million and I know that for a fact! Awesome awesome awesome that would be my dream I'm going to be one when I'm older yes yes yes! Its love and talentthose are two musts in this.

Added 1 year ago by guest, 2 points. For all you uk physios I'm going to earn 55k as an entry level Physio with a few years experience. Not true in the UK considering the hours you need european call option on a bond work and continuous professional development you need to keep doing and lloyds tsb share dealing my account. I'm keen to know the countries that pay physios good salaries.

Not true in the UK. Jobs are hard to come by and the usual starting salary in the NHS is 21K a year and goes up to 45K for management. Added 5 years ago by guest, 52 points. How much will physiotherapist earn each year?? Added 5 years ago by guest, 40 points.

You earn good money for home visits after a certain level of experience. Till then it's a struggle. Added 6 years ago by guest, 6 points. Added 6 years ago by guest, 7 points. They are paid much and much higher than their investment in their studies. I have a great aim of being CA.

I hope not only but promised to be. A top and most reputated Practice account for stock trading india. Plus you get bonuses for being safe every three months.

Not to mention additional classes they pay you to attend. And you get 6 months off per year and retirement plan and health insurance for you and your family. The point about not seeing your kids grow up is invalid. You get an average of 6 months off a year! Plenty of time to see them! Try being the offshore drilling engineer. I think it is the best job in the world!!!!!!!!!!

Added 1 year ago by guest, -2 points. I'm in high school and I have exclent grades in science but its not my dream put option usd/jpy become a Scientist "what should"? An anesthesologist is someone who puts a patient to sleep while the surgerie is going on.

I'm very interested in science but what kind of science would be the best for a big salary? New Zealand, Canada, hongkong, Dubai, UK,USA are the good places to be a dental professional. Added 6 months ago by guest, 1 point. Added 1 year ago by guest, 1 point. Added 4 years ago by guest, 8 points. But I think it needs a lot of effort to become one. Added 6 years ago by guest, 2 points. The people in this profession make more money than people can imagine by just putting others to sleep, literally.

With the number of ailments on the increase, there can never be a moment of rest for them. I want to go into this field. Added 3 years ago by guest, 3 points. The list goes on? Hahaha, you listed one thing. Lol, they pretty much just put people to sleep and monitor them. I know because my dad is an anesthesiologist.

It's also a cutthroat sector of the medical field and one of the hardest ones to become. It's around the same amount of time, experience, stress, and medical school debt as neurosurgery. And no it's not just putting people to sleep, it's chemistry. Putting people under for surgery is an extremely dangerous thing and requires a lot of understanding of te field to accomplish.

Not too mention the cases of victims that woke up in the middle of a surgery because the anastetic dose was off by. Added 5 years ago by guest, 9 points.

Its true what you said above but you also need to know a lot of math and science because if you mess up and are even off by a littte they can wake up while in surgery and sue i think its how its spelled then you could have to be charged millions Added 6 years ago by guest, -2 points. A Lot of them make millions a year.

A some Traders make billions a year! Yes they do earn millions a year but If they where to release these stocks onto the maket all at once they would flood it causing the price to hit zero. This does not come as a surprise keeping in mind the ever increasing population in the world not forgetting the individuals who opt for abortions too.

Either ways, money keeps flowing. Gynaecologist is what I wanted to be since a child! I WILL do dat: This is what i whant to be when i grow up!! For those of you who dont know what an obsetrician is its, a person who delivers babies. But to bad if you dont like it or think its disgusting, cause im gonna earn big bucks!! I think it depend on where country you work on!!! It's really stressful and difficult but if you good it's awesome: Hav to love them.

The ATCo is considered as the third Pilot but few of people are aware of this, How is it? Ok, ATCos work usually at Airports' Control Towers and Area Control Centers using Radar technologies and permenant radio communications with Airline Pilots during the whole flight, guiding them to their destinations and providing them with many vital informations.

They MUST be self confident enough to make crucial decisions under pressure an ATCo can handle much more than 1,2 or 3 airplanes in the same time carrying a lot of lives and assist Airline Pilots to the end of the flight. So the responsibility of the flight is shared between Pilots and ATCos. ATCo's been called the most stressfull job in the world.

This does depend on sector and experience. Added 5 years ago by guest, 29 points. I think looking at Lord Alan Sugar, he would probably be above number 1. I, and most of my entrepreneur friends make far less than we would working for someone else. You become an entrepreneur because of a sick personality: Unfortunately jobs are getting more scarce by the month and alot of the work is going overseas. Everyone wants to be a 3d artist right? We are enlightened in Washington state and have recognized Cannabis as a miracle drug to stop pain and cure many illnesses and diseases.

Maybe they will sell it in the pharmacy. I was a pharmacist, but quit because it was too enjoyable to try the free samples I was given. I had a great time shagging a hot blonde pharmacist last night! Comfortable job and well paying if works in a pharmaceutical company.

Thank God I chose it, I like it!!!!!!!!!! WOWWWW im studying to become one though.

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Hey don't say that it is not the worst job, my grandpa was rich by being one. He had his own store. Added 6 years ago by guest, 12 points. A Flight Engineer and Aeronautical Engineer are two different things. Flight Engineers are part of the flight crew and monitor fuel, engine, power management, etc.

I am an Aeronautical Engineer. This doesn't belong here. I have been interning no pay for the past 1 year at one of the best organizations around. I hope to become an aeronautical engineer in avionics very soon: Dude, I need to do this I always wanted to be from the time I started goingto primary school. They can earn anything between 49k and 20k depending on the qualifications you have and how often you work.

Added 5 years ago by guest, 25 points. This is what i have always wanted to be! But how much do they make? This is my course. I am chemical engineering student. Chemical Engineers have merely discovered nearly all of the fundamentals and basics which are "hidden" underneath relative topics, such as biology, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and the like. It is quite alright for the world not to commend them however; how many people in America know the correct definition of a chemical engineer.

Once a really popular game is created, e. At first i wanted to be an antimater for cartoon network now i wanna be a game designer.

Added 1 year ago by guest, 3 points. Izzit true that game designing are highly paid??? Yes,Correct Game Designer proffession is the Best: Finally got to see game designing on the list. Happy t o know that people in this world even know about game designing.

If you have a good team with great ideas you could easily make bank. Equine vets are strong part in the Australian society. Horse Racing is by far the most expensive sport in the world. Known as 'The Stock Market of Sports'. This requires the most money for mantaining and the keep towards the animals and even the Jockies' diets in order to keep fit. It is more of a way of life, and the expense of a life for a sport that is watched and proclaimed around the world.

So if it the most expensive sport in the world the horses that are champions must obviously mean a lot to the owners. The owners rely on the horse and horse trainers causer thats there career and they won't to make and win as much as they can.

So think about how much vets that specialize in equine areas would be paid to treat race horses and mabye even world famous one.

Not only are you doing your job but your meet and helping an animal that people dream to meet or work with. I am dreaming to be a radiologist to earn money for my kids. Added 2 days ago by guest, 0 points. Did you know that the harry pottre stars Harry Hermoine and Ron got about 50 million per movie? My dream is to become an actor and I dont care about the money or the fame, I just want to do my passion for a living Added 5 years ago by guest, 18 points.

You have to be a very high up 'celebrity' actor. You have to be really really really successful to be raking in the millions like Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. Obviously nobody likes chief operating officers.

Were the highest paid profession between Eastern Europe straight through to Australia. I myself make k in Perth Australia as a senior site engineer and i'm not even chartered yet, the only problem is we have to go where the work is. I think your mate is lying to you about what his dad does for a living.

Only if you work in the middle east or china not in the UK. Im really hoping to do this for my undergraduate degree. Hope what this site ranks is true xD. Good structural engineers can get paid very large sums of money, although their responsibility is high. Build some tall buildings, New york, Atlanta, Civil engineers and construction people have earned a lot of money. Orchestra Conductor opera or concert. In the Cleveland Conductor Music Director salary was 1.

A middle league conductor can makeUSD per gig. For all the cutting, stitching and transplants they do, they earn big fat pay packs. With stress causing a lot more damage than we can imagine, the work for surgeons is on the increase.

D busy in collecting millions: A cool job dealig with one among the most inporpant organ in our bodies!! Is this really true? I'm planning to take this course, but why is it number 40?!

I'm on my senior year now and still undecided. It depend on each country Where i live people can become nure without high school degree or GED but their salary not good. Very negative comments here from some 'jaded', unsuccessful nurses I'm guessing. Nursing is the oldest profession in the world. I'm a uni qualified RN in a tertiary referral hospital. According to Australian standards, an 8th year RN earns around 80, K annually with penalties. Any job is stressful - regardless.

As a general rule, you don't have take-home work, and will never be out of work. You have an inspiring role to play and meet awesome people from all walks. Develops people skills and basic scientific principles. You learn not to stress as much as you learn the value of life.

I'm a jobless RN. Abusive hospitals and clinics. Taking advantage of the oversupply of nurses. Without us, your business are all gonna die, so pay us a little respect. Ok this is crap they for got plastic surgeons and chemical engineers and chemist and ce are higher paid than mech engineers. You get paid well as an RN and paid even better of you get your masters.

But entry level or LVN nurses get paid crap and clean up crap literally. Not to mention the amount of debt that most LVN's accumulate by going to a private trade schools with no hopes of making it out to finish up the necessary school work to become an RN.

High paid nurses aren't in demand, entry level nurses are there's a big difference. ONLY ONE UPSIDE to it. IN INDIA KERALA GIRLS GOES TO NURSING MORE,AFTER MARRIAGE SHE TAKES HER HUSBAND WHO IS JOBLESS.

SO NURSES ARE WELL PAID,ON SURVEY GOT 55 POINTS MORE THAN A NEURO SURGEON? The pay is CRAP though Added 6 years ago by guest, 8 points. Cause it's true and under rated and for Great loving mothers it's highly paid. Depends on where you are working. It should in number one.

This job is interesting i think so. Too many network administrators, pay is coming down Its the sexiest job that you'll ever dream to have. Depending on the state you practice in, optometrist may also perform laser eye surgeries. An ophthalmologist goes to medical school, then does residency, and then maybe a fellowship.

They are Eye Care Professionals but then they are also called Doctors but NOT Surgeons. An opthamologist is an eye doctor. An optometrist deals with vision, it's whom you go to for glasses.

For more information about neurosurgeon careers, see the neurosurgeon career overview. I want to be one sooooo bad, but how much is the pay? I read it was only 47, a year. Once elected to a powerful post they earn more than any professional on earth- illegally that is.

Power corrupts Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. But it's hard to become a politician, you have to be a citizen of the country right? Politicians make the Mafia look like schoolboys.

In the 20th Century, the politicians of the world were responsible for killing over , people. THEY should be NUMBER ONE-They live off your money anyways. So what you earn is actually for them to siphon it off you. There is NEVER a poor politician. Within months of joining politics or being elected, they are millionaires.

From one election to another, when they declare their known assets, the assets have more than doubled.

How is it possible on the pay they earn? Its were all the money goes lol i wil be surprised if its not the most paid job in the world. Singapore has the highest paid. There is a reason why. Check out the GDP in !!!

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