Call back option in lotus notes

Author: jenny1900 Date of post: 31.05.2017

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All in developerWorks communities. Working knowledge of the C programming language can also help to give you a better understanding of some of the concepts we discuss. After you extract the files from the downloaded archive file, you will have the documentation, the header files, the library files, compiled OBJ files, sample programs, and the databases used in the samples. The documentation contains a user guide and a reference guide both in the form of individual Notes databases.

You can obtain a lot of information from the documentation. While the user guide covers what you can achieve with the toolkit and how to go about doing it, the reference guide documents all the functions available for use. Considering the volume of information contained in these databases, it would be very useful to create full-text indexes for them to enable quick and accurate searches.

The header files are typically found in the Include folder. They contain definitions for all the constants, structures, macros, and public functions available as part of the toolkit. Depending on the API calls you use in your programs, you need to include the corresponding header files in your source.

The library files and the compiled OBJ files are typically found in the Lib folder under different operating system specific folders. While the LIB files are the DLL import libraries needed to link your API program, the OBJ files are the bootstrap objects needed for programs using the NotesMain entry point or for add-in server tasks. We will re-visit these a little later in the article. There is an exhaustive list of sample programs provided in the samples folders.

The notedata folder typically contains all the databases used in the sample programs. Each function or symbolic value described in the reference guide refers to at least one sample program that you can look up to learn how the function you are examining can be used in an actual program. Having seen what we have to work with, the best way to continue our exploration of the toolkit is to dive into an actual program.

In the next sections, we do just that by walking through not one, but two different programs. Let's start with a simple one: First, let's include the header files from the C library that we need in our program:.

Now for the main function: The call to the NotesInitExtended function initializes the Notes runtime. We need to explicitly call this unless the NotesMain function is used instead of main:. Finally, we get the data directory and print it. OSGetDataDirectory is the key Lotus C API function used in this program. As the very intuitive name implies, it obtains the full path of the data directory.

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To wrap up, the NotesTerm function shuts down the Notes runtime. We need to explicitly call this only if we used NotesInitExtended to start the runtime:.

Next we compile and link the program we just wrote. For this, we need to make sure that the environment is set up correctly. Finally, there are three environment variables that we need to setup:. If you prefer setting up the environment variables on the fly, you can use a batch file. Here is an example batch file:.

After running the batch file, our environment is ready for compiling and linking our program. Supplying a MAK file to this tool "makes" the application for you. The MAK file specifies the deliverables, their dependencies, and the command to build the deliverables if they don't exist or if they are older than the dependencies. Let's call the program we've constructed simple. Here is a sample of the MAK file we can use for building simple.

To examine all the options available with the nmake tool, you can use the command nmake -help. The command that we use to build our simple. You can write the same program using the NotesMain function as the entry point. The only difference is that we don't need to call NotesInitExtended and NotesTerm as we did in the previous example.

Here is how it looks:. If you think this changes the MAK file, you are right. Remember the bootstrap objects we talked about earlier?

call back option in lotus notes

This is where we need them. So, the MAK file for this program looks like this:.

Let's move on to a avr bitwise operators in c bigger program, one that uses more of the Lotus C API than our simple example.

This program looks up a name in the local address book and returns the office phone and address if available. Does that sound like fun? As always, we start with the header files from the C library that we need in our program, followed by the header files from the Lotus C API:.

In this program, we add another function for error handling. Declare its prototype here and call back option in lotus notes with how much money do doulas make main function. In the main function, of course, we start by declaring all the local variables that we need. We find out the purpose of each one of them as we build our program.

Initializing the Notes runtime comes next:. Next, we need to open the address book and get a handle to it. The NSFDbOpen function does forex limited power of attorney that:.

The NIFOpenCollection function obtains a handle to the collection of documents based on the view note. If we run into an error during either operation, we close the database and exit:.

Now we need to find the name that we want to look up in the collection. NIFFindByName searches a collection based on the primary sort key, which is the first column of the view. It must be sorted.

If the function runs into an error, it could mean that the name does not exist or that some other error occurred:. The function places the requested information in the bufferhandle, whose pointer we are passing in.

We will ignore some arguments such as count and flgwhich are not required in this context. However, if the information expected to be returned in the buffer is non-trivial in size, we will need to enclose the call to NIFReadEntries in a loop and test the value of the flg argument. If the buffer is NULL after the function returns, we need to exit:.

Now that we have the NoteID of the note that we want, we can open it. First, we need to lock the buffer in memory and obtain its address, using the OSLockObject arbitrage in how to win binary options 97527. We cast this as a NOTEID:. All we need to do now is to check whether or not the address and phone number exist smsf investment options print them if they do.

NSFItemIsPresent is sahm make extra money to check that the items exist, and NSFItemGetText obtains the value of the items:.

Wrap up by unlocking the buffer and freeing its memory, closing the note, call back option in lotus notes, and database:. The final piece to the puzzle oil forex trading companies in singapore the APIErrHandler function. This obtains the string associated with the error that is passed in and prints it. You may have noticed a pattern in the names of Lotus Stock brokers lancaster API functions.

All the functions whose names start with NSF have to do with databases, notes, or items. Those beginning with NIF typically deal with views and collections. Functions that deal with operating system level information such as locking objects in memory have names beginning with OS. This naming convention is very useful when looking for functions to match what you want to achieve.

You can download the full program described in this section from the Sandbox. The Lotus C E mini index futures trading systems can be useful in several contexts both on the client side and on the server side. In this section, we highlight some of the options available. Using the Lotus C API, it is possible to create and manipulate design elements such as agents, forms, views, and navigators.

For example, you can use the following function calls to create a view design note:. You can even compile and evaluate formulas using the NSFFormulaCompile and the NSFComputeEvaluate functions.

You can create a server task that runs on the server like other tasks. Although you can have an add-in task perform an operation and quit, typically add-in tasks are used for operations that need to be performed periodically.

The Lotus C API provides specific functions for building an add-in task. The main entry point for the program is the AddInMain function. The function AddInIdle is useful to control the main loop in the program. AddInDayHasElapsedAddInMinutesHaveElapsedand AddInSecondsHaveElapsed help decide whether or not it is time to perform our periodic operation.

You can also set it up to start automatically with server startup and shutdown when the server is shutdown by including the program name in the value of the ServerTasks variable on the server's Notes. You can add your own actions to the menu option Actions in the Notes client. To do this, the entry point must be a function in this format:.

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The function can have any name and must be declared in the EXPORTS function of the module definition DEF file with an ordinal value of 1. The first argument indicates the operation being performed, and the second argument is operation-specific information. The operation can have the values:. The Lotus C API provides the capability of performing calendar and scheduling operations, such as creating calendar entries or looking up busytime. Creating calendar entries such as meetings, appointments, reminders, and all-day events involves creating a note in the desired mail database using the NSFNoteCreate function and adding the required calendar items to the note.

You can use the SchRetrieve function to retrieve the schedule of a user for a particular time. There is one service provided by the Lotus C API that deserves special mention: It allows you to run custom processes before or after certain internal Notes or Domino operations are performed by registering callback routines.

The entry point for your program should be a function in this format:. The function can have any name and must be declared in the EXPORTS function of the module definition file with an ordinal value of 1. The callback function must be in this format:. Before registering the callback routine, it is useful to obtain a recursion ID using the EMCreateRecursionID function.

This is recommended because it prevents the same extension from being called again if it has already been called. The EMRegister function is used to register the callback routine. It is best explained with an example:. So, our program is called as soon as the NSFDBClose operation, which closes a database, is called. The third argument is our custom function that we want to call. The fourth argument is the recursion ID if there is oneand the last argument is a handle returned by the function that we will need when it is time to de-register.

When wrapping up the program, the EMDeregister function is used to de-register the callback routine. One of our code samples demonstrates the use of the Extension Manager by using a routine to trap updates to a specific mail file's calendar profile. This program registers a callback routine for NSFNoteUpdateExtended.

Using the Message Recall feature in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino V8

In the callback routine, we check to see whether or not the note being updated is the mail file we are interested in and whether or not the note is a calendar profile. If it is, we log the date and time to a log file. After the program is compiled and linked, you need to list it in the server's Notes. You can download the complete code for this program including the MAK file and the module definition file from the Sandbox.

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