Knowledge of the stock market 1929

Author: Freeb00ter Date of post: 31.05.2017

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Stock Market Crash of

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Comments 0 Please log in to add your comment. Transcript of Causes of the Stock Market Crash Causes of the Stock Market Crash After Black Thursday, there was a wave of suicides in New York's financial district.

At one point it is said that one of the hotel clerks began asking if a new guest needed a room for sleeping or jumping. The United States experienced an economic boom following WWI due to the creation of new technology and improvement of production processes. As electricity became more wide spread, modern conveniences took hold. The stock market also benefited from the economic expansion as well. People began to talk about the wealth that could be made in the stock market.

Banks began to relax credit terms and stock brokers encouraged the buying frenzy. So if a stock costed 10 dollars then you would put down one dollar and the bank would loan you the other 9. This led to the investor losing the one dollar he put in but the other 9 he borrowed. The stock market crashed over a five day period. The first sign of trouble was October 24, , known as Black Thursday.

At the time, stock exchange was typically around 4 million shares a day. But on the 24th around 12 million shares were traded. The system was unable to keep up with the market prices due to trading volume. At one point it was running 90 minutes behind.

Stock Market Crash of - Facts & Summary -

Following Black Thursday, the stock market bounced back a bit on Friday. This lead to a false sense of security as Monday, October 28 the trading volume increased again with around 9 million shares traded. On Tuesday, October 29 a record 16 million stocks were sold and traded causing the ticker machines fell behind 3 hours.

Panic ensued and selling continued and all hope of recovery was lost. Due to the failing of the stock market, people began to with draw from spending money and as a result the companies where hit hard with the lack of consumer spendings.

This would continue for three years. Causes of the Crash The bank would take money that was deposited by people and then invest it in stocks with out the knowledge of the savers. People went to withdraw the bank had no money to give them as stock began to fall in value. Mass trading lowered the value of stock because it became easier to obtain a desired stock.

This led to stock price drops as large investor began to sell off their stock.

Wall Street Crash of - Wikipedia

The United States experienced an economic boom following WWI. This was fueled by new technologies and improved production process. Also as electricty became more wide spread common connveniences took hold.

knowledge of the stock market 1929

The stock market benefited from this economic expansion. Investors talked frequently of the fortune that could be made from investing in the stock market. This continual increase in stock values lead people to believe that the value of stock would never stop rising. More presentations by Curtis McLaughlin TKAM Chapter Set privacy level Privacy level. Add people Editor Editor Viewer. Only people with the link can view this prezi.

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